Ryann Miguel

Ryann Miguel is the Senior Project Associate for the Zetema Project. She leads the administrative functioning of the Project, as well as advancing the Project’s research and planning activities. She organizes Zetema’s triannual meetings, manages the Project’s website and communications, and coordinates with Zetema Project Panelists, Contributors, and journalists.

Prior to joining the Zetema Project, Ryann worked at Progress Foundation, providing mental health services to San Francisco’s older adult population in a social rehabilitation setting. She also worked with Dr. Portacolone at the Institute of Health and Aging at the University of California, San Francisco to study older adults with cognitive impairments, their access to long-term social services, and the role of community-based organizations in facilitating accessibility for marginalized populations. 

Ryann earned a BA in Legal Studies and a BA in Sociology from UC Santa Cruz.